About the blog...
落す [otosu]
To lose; to let fall; to drop; to leave behind; to omit; to secretly let escape; to reject; to fail; to defeat (...)
乙女 [otome]
Maiden; young lady; daughter (...)
That was pretty much the sum residing in my head by the time I thought about making this blog (and I must confess I'm terrible making up names/titles).
The blog idea first came by out of a frustration due to lack of otome friends to fangirl talk about all the stuff in here.
The next day, however, the idea wouldn't get away as I first thought, but would get stronger instead, and I did indeed create the blog because I felt like it would be a good experience.
Previously, I did participate as a writer in other blogging groups, but never with a focus on otome stuff.
But I might add, Otosu Otome won't be all-otome, as the subtitle tells. It's more like writing about the things which makes me happy - I hope to find, through these posts, other people who also likes these kind of things, and may you also share your thoughts through comments =D
About the author...
I am a young woman born and living in Brazil ever after. Been a gamer since 1991, where I first began learning English by myself, and fond of Japanese animation by about the same time - maybe the middle-90's.
Despite appreciating anisongs and most Japanese games with voice acting, I found out the meaning of "Visual Novel" and "Otome" only during the 00's though. It have been around that time I also did a basic-level Japanese course, where I learned how to read katakana and hiragana, plus very few kanji (because I left the course before entering the middle-level), but thanks to the course I came to know better how the japanese grammar works, and been able to get a rough understanding of unsubbed/raw anime and, of course, visual novels.